Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dealing with Back to School Jitters

It is that time of year again, the back to school month.  Parents are rejoicing, but our little ones may be having a case of the jitters.  Especially if it is their first day of grade school, junior high, high school, or college.  Getting nervous is a very common for any child on their first day of school, no matter what year they are starting.  Knowing what is going on is key of how to treat the symptoms.

To recognize that your child is having a case of anxiety they could have these symptoms:

Raced heart rate
The feeling of not being able to catch your breath
Feeling like the worst is going to happen
Unable to think (trouble concentrating)
Feeling tense

Having these symptoms can be startling and very scary for a child.  This can also make matters worse.  The more scared and worried a child gets the more it seems the hole of anxiety gets deeper.

Having a natural alternative is an amazing choice to help them through the moment of panic.  Using these essential oils can help.

Frankincense – helps with anxiety, tension, fear, and stress.
Lavender – helps lower blood pressure and is calming.
Lemon – is uplifting and stimulating.
Orange – helps with anger, anxiety, and irritation.  Is stimulating and uplifting.
Think – a Cure Oils blend of essential oils that helps with attention and focus.

These oils can be used for inhalation or topically, also great to use in a diffuser.

Essential Oils & Camping

Even though summer is more than half over, camping continues on.  We are actually coming up on one of the busiest camping holidays of the year, Labor Day.  When you think of camping the thing you might think of first is bugs.  Dealing with the creepy crawlers is definitely not a definition of a “good time”.  Trying to repel them and if an insect happens to bite you, you definitely don’t want to deal with the symptoms of the bite.  It can be irritating and can create an issue with your camping trip.

There are essential oils that can be used to repel these woodland crawlers.  Plus, if you do get bit, there are oils to help.

When think about repelling insects the oils you can use are: clove, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, orange, peppermint (repels ants).  Mix with a fractionated coconut oil and apply to the skin.  Cure Oils also has two types of blends that can help.  The first is called Repel and has an original scent of combined essential oils.  The second is called Nature and has a scent mask for huntsmen, and outdoorsmen, it smells like products of the earth (soil, leaves, etc.).

Now say you happen to get bit by a pesky bug.  These oils can help relieve the pain and itching: chamomile, tea tree, lavender, and peppermint.  Applying these helpful oils directly to the site can alleviate that itching and/or pain.

Using essential oils is much more beneficial for yourself and the environment.  You are no longer applying chemicals that can absorb into the skin and into your body. Plus, you are helping the environment too.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Exercising and Your Lifestyle Change

It seems like these days you see a lot of people working out, eating right and trying to make lifestyle changes to better their bodies and future.  But, starting out as a new-be to the fitness world can be trying.  Feeling energized in the heat of summer can be too much.  The taste of water is boring, and you miss your soda beverages.  Plus, after a exercise regimen you are sore and can barely move.  Here are some ideas to start this journey, and some amazing essential oils to energize your body and spirit, hydrate your body, and soothe those sore, tired muscles.

Starting out, you are going to want to come up with a list of whys.  All the reasons you want to have and keep these lifestyle changes in your life.  Find pictures to motivate and keep you going.  Next, you are going to want to do before pictures.  You are going to want something to compare from other pictures month-to-month.  Don’t forget those measurements too.  This will show all the progress you are making, and will keep you motivated. 

Here are some amazing Cure Oils to help you along the way and how you will want to use them.

  • Energize – to help energize and keep your spirit, mind, and body motivated try using these essential oils.  Use orange, grapefruit, and lime topically, orally (a few drops in water), or diffuse.  Use clary sage and rosemary in a diffuser for a natural perk to your day.
  • Hydrate – adding lemon, orange, or grapefruit to your water will create a more inviting taste and will help keep your body hydrated.  Plus, lemon and grapefruit help reduce cellulite. 
  • Soothe – using these essential oils mixed in a carrier oil (coconut and jojoba oil is best) then massaged into tired muscles will help your body with the healing process.  Oils used would be, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, and rosemary.  Also, adding Epsom salt and some drops of these oils into a bath with help those sore muscles.  *Best done after your exercise routine.

Also, check out our oil blends that combine many of our essential oils to better serve you and your body.  Best of luck to your and your fitness journey, and we will be here every step of the way to provide you and your family with exceptional products to make your lives the best they can be.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Top 5 Most Used Essential Oils & Their Uses

Walking into the world of essential oils can be confusing, exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.  Which ones do you start with?  What are the most used oils?  How do you use them?  Why would you want to use them?  These might be some of the questions you have thought or said to yourself.

The easiest way to answer these questions is to inform you of the most used essential oils.  I am going to walk you through the top 5 oils, how to use them and why.  These are not listed in order of importance.

1)      Lavender – is very beneficial for skin conditions, such as acne.  It is a great anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic.  It can be used at sights of arthritis, rheumatism, or a mouth abscess.  Lavender has been know to help calm, so it can be used for insomnia, tachycardia, indigestion or other symptoms related to over-eating.  Use this oil topically, diffuse, or add to bathwater with Epsom salts.
2)      Lemon - is an essential oil that has great disinfectant qualities (it has been known to stimulate white and red blood cell formation).  Can help with boils, corns and warts.  Drinking lemon in your water can help with obesity, and cellulite.  Lemon has also know to help stop nosebleeds.  There are many other uses for this amazing essential oil.  Use topically, internally (few drops in water), diffuse, or even add to water for a cleaning agent.
3)      Peppermint – this oil is great for opening airways due to asthma and bronchitis.  It can help with swelling, inflammation and irritated itchy skin.  Peppermint is very calming and can help colic, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, heartburn and diarrhea.  Also known for helping with hot flashes, menstrual regularity, and many other ailments.  Use topically, internally (few drops in water), or diffuse.
4)      Melaleuca -   Melaleuca or also known as Tea Tree oil is great for killing off pretty much any fungus, bacteria, parasite, or infection.  It is also a great anti-inflammatory.  Use topically, diffuse or inhale from bottle, or can be used in water for a cleaning, disinfecting agent.
5)      Oregano – this amazing essential oil not only works to kill off fungus, infections, bacteria, parasites, and viruses, but also works as an immune-stimulant.  Oregano can help with conditions that affect the lungs (chronic bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, asthma, pneumonia, etc.).  Another plus, Oregano is a great metabolism balancer. 

If you would like to know more about these oils and others that we offer at Cure Oils, please click one of the links on this page.

“Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.” – Benjamin Franklin