Monday, August 25, 2014

Surviving the Cold and Flu Season

It is that time of year again!  The weather is changing and that means the immunity of you and your family can be affected.  With your little ones going back to school it is inevitable that germs will come home with them every day.  Let’s admit it, you can’t always be there to remind them to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.

Flu and Cold season is creeping up on us, and no one wants to have their home be affected.  The average of the U.S. population that will be affected by the flu each year is between 5-20%.  Plus 20,000 Americans will be hospitalized each year due to flu complications.

What can you do as a parent to protect your family from unwanted germs?  First, make sure you are teaching your kids proper hand washing technique and how often they should do so.  Next, make sure your little ones know that proper hygiene is very important not only for themselves but also for others around them.

Cure Oils has a wide variety of pure essential oils that will benefit you and your family year round.  One particular oil blend will work amazingly during this upcoming cold and flu season.  Guardian, an essential oil blend, contains the finest Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Globulus, and Rosemary.  Guardian, with its unique aroma, is one of Cure Oils most versatile blends.  It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing.  Guardian is superb for eliminating and controlling pathogens due to the potency of its constituents.   For aromatic (diffusers are sold on our website), or topical use.

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